* * * * * * * * EDIT * * * * * * * *
If you can't see the images in this
post, try clicking 'Refresh' on your
Also, the full screen pictures are a
little hard to see because they've
been shrunk down. Try clicking on one
and it'll open the bigger version.
* * * * * * * * EDIT * * * * * * * *
This is a partial review of the Open Source program
This is the opening 'Home Screen' for MMEX. As you can see, it shows an overview of current account balances and income/expenses for the month. To start tracking investments, you first have to create an 'investment account'.
These are the simple screens you use to set up an account.
Once you finish, you're taken back to the 'Home Screen'. Notice that the new investment account 'ML: Roth IRA' shows under 'Stocks' on the left-hand nav bar.
When you click on an account, you are taken to the account page. For checking/savings, this is where you view and enter transactions. For an investment account, it's where you view and edit holdings.
When you click 'New' you get a pop-up box to enter holding information.
And this is what your holding/s will look like in the account screen.
If you click 'Stocks' on the left-hand nav bar, you'll see an overview of all your investment account holdings.
And the 'Home Screen' will reflect the value of your stock holdings.
February 9th, 2007 at 11:23 pm 1171063391
February 10th, 2007 at 03:50 pm 1171122648
you are more than welcome to use this write up for the user manual if you think it would be helpful. i intend to post reviews of the rest of the capabilities in the future, and those will be available to you as well if you'd like. please let me know if you'd like to have them sent on mail as a single, cohesive document.
btw, i posted this because someone in the savingadvice.com forums had asked if there was any software that had a simple and intuitive way of keeping up with stocks. i've been using MMEX since june '05 and thought it fit the request perfectly.