Home > Optical Illusion: OW!

Optical Illusion: OW!

January 19th, 2007 at 08:23 pm

OK, if the pic below isn't big enough, click on it and it'll take you to a full-size version.

Just glancing at the picture, the bits seem to move. Focus your eyes on any particular spot and the movement grinds to a halt. OW!

5 Responses to “Optical Illusion: OW!”

  1. Broken Arrow Says:

    Hehe. Gee, thanks for sharing. Stick Out Tongue

  2. frugalmomof1 Says:


  3. fairy74 Says:

    Wow, feeling a little sick now...but fun while it lasted Smile

  4. gruntina Says:

    lol! Took a short break from work to see this. Now its gonna take awhile to get back to work lol! Thanks for sharing.

  5. LuckyRobin Says:

    Ouch, that hurt.

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