Just wanted to post my progress on these goals. Still debating on which 2 to add to replace those I've already finished. Can't decide if I want to do the $20 challenge or not. If so, it would have to be from house money since I myself am already saving my ones and change...
* Our net-worth will be in the black by the end of '07. I would set this goal sooner, but there is the possibility of my office closing down at the end of February and debt payment is taking a back burner to stashing cash.
* By the end of February, I will come up with a list of 10 things (or more) I know I can do to make at least $500 per month should I actually lose my job. Anyone want to commision a spreadsheet design? Seriously, do you want one?
Some of these are less ideal than others, and some are down-right weird, but part of this exercise is for me to think creatively. So far I have:
1. Work at the natural foods store. Count discount received on groceries as part of income.
2. Sign up to be one of DH's contractors and deliver free publications for the newspaper. Not ideal.
3. Work part time at dad's cigar store. Not ideal.
4. Take up dumpster diving again/become a more avid Freecycler, and hit the fleamarket circuit. Did this for a month last year and made a couple hundred bucks in a month. Must consider safety issues.
5. Kinda like #4, but more specific: Learn lawnmower repair from DH (or library might be a better option). Buy mowers at yard-sales, repair and resell. DH and his dad did this for several summers and made quite an income. Being female might negatively affect sales.
6. ???
7. ???
8. ???
9. ???
10. ???
* I am going to wean myself from cigarettes. I'm not saying I'm going to quit, as I think the finality of it is what causes a lot of folks trouble. Starting 1/1/07 I am allowed 10 smokes per day. On 7/1/07 the number goes down to 5. I am not allowed to 'roll-over' any unused cigarettes to the next day. I have a cigarette case somewhere that will hold 8-10, so I think I'll start carrying that instead of a pack, just to prevent temptation. Found the case, definitely helpful! DH has decided to quit cold turkey, but DH also smokes cigars and won't be quitting those. For those that are wondering, I'm weaning rather than quitting all together/going cold turkey because I'm not sure how my body or my personality is going to react and I'd rather not set myself up for failure. And 10 a day is a 50% reduction, so it's not exactly a slow start.
* DONE 12/30: I will post a wish-list on the fridge by January 15th. There will be 3 sections: one for me, one for DH, one for the house. I think this will be helpful in keeping tabs on our goals for home improvement, getting ideas for gift-giving times, and maybe (just maybe!) giving DH a little perspective. I just made it on Excel and printed a copy. I put fix up our attic space, a freezer, and a dishwasher under the house column. I have a new camera bag and a better tripod. I'll let DH either see the list or wish for something before I start filling his in.
* DONE 12/30: I will get a library card by the end of January. As a side note, I will use said library card. Went at noon today and got my card. There are two locations really close by, one downtown and one on the way to the grocery store. Maybe I'll start going Thursday nights when DH is playing pool.