Home > Oh the Memories!

Oh the Memories!

November 9th, 2006 at 05:09 am

Hehehehe!!! Lucky Robin made a comment on one of my earlier entries about the FlyLady hiding dishes under the sink in order to have a tidier kitchen. First thought I had "Isn't that what the dishwasher's for?" (Note, I don't actually have a dishwasher, but that is what I thought).

Next, though, were flashbacks to May of 2005, and they were just too funny so I thought I would share them and give all the frugies a good chuckle.

April 2005 was a busy month. DH turned in his resignation to his job and I got asked to fly to Argentina for work. For a month. With 2 weeks notice. Busy.

At any rate, I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off getting things ready to go and DH offered to do the dishes. No problem, I'll take him up on that.

The dishes sat. Days upon days they sat. I would wash the dishes I personally needed and hide them when I was done so they would be clean and ready when I needed them again. I didn't wash the rest b/c DH said he would do them. I can be stubborn when I need to be, and I wasn't going to loose this one.

The time came for me to fly to Argentina at the end of April. I left the bills ready to be mailed and a calendar with dates to mail them, important contact info, etc. DH was taking this month off since he'd just resigned his job so he would have plenty of time to get everything around the house taken care of. (he wound up starting a new job the week after I got back so don't everyone freak out here).

Fast forward to Memorial Day weekend.

I've had a long month abroad: fun but tiring. Due to a scheduling SNAFU I missed my flight home and spent a night sleeping on a bench in the Buenos Aires airport. It was like the movie 'Terminal': I don't recommend trying to live it. Another long night flying from Santiago, Chile to Atlanta (OK, it wasn't that long cause I was in 1st class, but that's beside the point!!), and then a short flight home.

DH greets me at the gate, shuttles me off to the car, and takes me to a pancake breakfast. I eat like a mad-woman: an American breakfast, in an American dinner, with people all around me speaking American, er, English! As I'm polishing off the last of my obscene plate of food, DH says he has a prize for me at home. Woohoo, a prize!!!

We get to the house, and my prize is: clean dishes, silverwear, and glasses, clean towels, and fresh sheets on the bed. See, my mom had told him that the thing I would want when I got home would be to come home to a clean house and a good night's sleep in my own bed on clean sheets. Hey, she was close Wink

At any rate, apparently DH realized the day before I got back there was no way he could get everything done. So, he went out and bought new dishes, silverwear, glasses, towels, and sheets.

Some of you have probably already figured out his ruse, as I did. Rather than washing the dishes that were sitting in the sink when I left the country, he literally piled them in a Rubbermaid, threw them in the trash, and bought everything new!! The months worth of towels and the sheets that had been on the bed? Hidden in his closet...

The good news? I really hated the old dishes (they were his ex-wife's Fiesta) and absolutely adore the white Correlle he bought to replace them!

9 Responses to “Oh the Memories!”

  1. janh Says:

    Oh, now that's funny! Can't wait to tell Hubby about this story. You made my night.

  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    Why am I not surprised? LOL This is such a man story (no offense BA, Price). Okay, my DH will do dishes when he runs out of clean ones, but usually not until, unless I ask him (like when I'm sick, I don't usually wait until we run out, myself). Though to give him his due, he will keep going until they are all done once he starts. But my DH is not the average bear. I can easily see most men doing what your husband did if they had the money to buy the stuff and knew they could get away with it.

  3. pjmama Says:

    HAHA. That is TOO funny... BF is usually pretty good when it's his turn to do the dishes. Not too hard to load the dishwasher. Though I have to say, it's his week to do the laundry today, and I think I'm gonna be wearing my PJ's to class today because I have no clean clothes! hehe. We both slacked off a bit this week... ah well, that's why they call me PJMama! (actually, that IS why they call me that ha!)

  4. Carolina Bound Says:

    Actually, not all men are like this! I was married to his polar opposite who obsessively cleaned everything and critiqued my work when I cleaned something. Give me a slob any day!

  5. miclason Says:

    I second that, CB.... last time I was at ex hubby's apt (we were celebrating the sale of our old apt!) he showed me a photo album that was on one of the end tables and, after I finished looking throught the pictures, I gave it back to him and said: "here, YOU put it back, because I KNOW I won't be able to find the EXACT position at just the right angle in which you had it!"...((shudder))

  6. LuxLiving Says:

    When I first moved away from home eons ago my roommate would load all the dirty dishes into laundry baskets (YES PLURAL) and hide them in the garage when her mother was coming over! Of course she felt some obligation to do this as her parents owned the house we were renting at the time! Smile

  7. fern Says:

    oh, that's funny. It DOES sound like a guy's approach to a problem. i dated someone once who put dirty, used dishes in the kitchen cabinet, even the freezer, so i wouldn't see them cus he was too lazy to wash them! UCK. And i do have a dishwasher. He said he put the bowl and spoon in the freezer cus he could reuse it next time he wanted ice cream. Well, who wants to look at that everytime you open the freezer door? Wierd!

  8. tinapbeana Says:

    the weird part is that DH 'says' the kitchen is the one room he doesn't mind cleaning... what?!? in reality what he means is he doesn't mind loading dishes into a dishwasher (which we don't have). unloading them, cleaning the stove/sink/fridge, etc are apparently not part of 'cleaning the kitchen'...

    i too also used to date a neat freak. please note the 'used to'!! i'm not asking for super-human cleanliness, just not a pile of dirty dishes all around his chair (seriously, i'm thinking of taking a picture).

    as for laundry: rule has been that DH and I each do our own for years now. he likes fabric softener and i can't stand the way the stuff makes my skin feel, so when he asks me to do his i don't use it and he gives up and does his own. once every 2 weeks or so Big Grin
    glad i could give everyone a chuckle!

  9. Lau Says:

    Tina - that's hillarious! ok, maybe not for you, but then again, you got brand new dishes you love apparently. I feel lucky with my hubby. He's pretty good with doing dishes. We now have a dishwasher, which we didn't have for the past 5 years, so I'm not used to putting dishes in it. I let it pile up and when I'm sick of looking at it, I wash... But he usually gets sick before I do! Wink

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