Home > I can't take it anymore!!!

I can't take it anymore!!!

November 6th, 2006 at 05:45 pm

These paint fumes are killing me! My head is spinning, my tummy is upset (but that might just be the 7 bags of candy corn...): I gotta get outta here!

I brought beef stew and mashed potato left-overs to heat'n'eat today, but I don't think I can do it. The kitchen is right next to the office being painted and some small part of me thinks the microwave might in fact ignite the fumes! *g* Honestly, though, I can't sit in here and eat like I want to, I'm going to have to head out somewhere.

And, alas, since there is no-where open that will allow me to heat'n'eat my leftovers, I'm going to have to spring for lunch. Bah! So much for the possibility of another no-spend day!

Aside: Heat'n'Eat would be a great name for the amorphous brown-bag welcoming business I mentioned in a previous blog entry. BA, if I buy you ice cream, will you front me the money to start a chain of Heat'n'Eats? *g*

3 Responses to “I can't take it anymore!!!”

  1. PRICEPLUS Says:

    Paint fumes can and do make people ill. If you are feeling effects from fumes go to an area where there is fresh air. Don't go back into an area where you are being made ill! Your health is very important. Sorry about the lost appetite but that goes with feeling queasy! I hope you feel better and the painting is finished soon!

  2. Broken Arrow Says:

    Awww, poor thing. They painted near my cubicle just about a month ago. I couldn't be in there all the time. It made me slightly queasy and ill, so I relocated elsewhere whenever I could. I never got a complaint about it... most likely because I wasn't the only one doing it! Stick Out Tongue

    Seriously, I'd do something to get more fresh air.

    BA, if I buy you ice cream, will you front me the money to start a chain of Heat'n'Eats? *g*

    Ahhahahaha. You so funny. Funny like heart attack. Big Grin

  3. Sunshine Suz Says:

    Ohhhh, I can see it now...The Broken-Beana "Heat n Eat n Sweat".

    Eat and then workout!

    Ya'll can do it.....oh and free ice cream on your way out!

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