Home > Whatcha Think: $20 Healthy Challenge

Whatcha Think: $20 Healthy Challenge

November 3rd, 2006 at 05:23 pm

Been reading around in the blogs, and what with the holidays and New Year's coming up fast, there appear to be a lot of folks thinking about getting into a healthier lifestyle. Eating better, exercising, etc.

So I was thinking: what if we had a $20 Health Challenege for 2007? Set goals for yourself and an amount you would pay into your challenge money when you meet those goals. Like Ima does right now paying herself when she walks on the treadmill?

You could even throw a curve-ball in there too: you have to fund unhealthy stuff by using the challenge money. Want chocolate cake? Pony up some Challenge Money. Gonna rent pay someone to do yardwork instead of doing it yourself? Have to use Challenge Money.

I dunno, the more I thought about it the more I thought it might be interesting. Funny, in the 'normal' world, folks make themselves pay when they do something bad! HA!!!

Anyways, let me know what you think.

7 Responses to “Whatcha Think: $20 Healthy Challenge”

  1. janh Says:

    I'd like to do a dollar a day when I drink all my water sort of thing. This could be way cool. The point would be that we'd save money and create new habits at the same time. That would be awesome! Sign me up--when do we start?

  2. janh Says:

    Oh duh. It says 2007. Need more caffeine....

  3. tinapbeana Says:

    really it could start anytime, i just thought new year's is when folks set themselves up with unattainable resolutions and therefore the challenge might be more timely then. but hey, it's day three of month 11, why not start now?

  4. janh Says:

    I'm game. Dollar a day for drinking all my water requirements. Starting today. That could end up $20+ a month!

  5. ren Says:

    Oooh, I'm quite in love with this idea, because I'd have something tangible to show how well I'm doing with it. I could bribe myself for going up the stairs, drinking my water, eating my five-a-day... The possibilities are endless!

    Yes, I am rubbing my hands together like a movie villain right now, why do you ask? *g*

  6. frugalmomof1 Says:

    Sounds good to me too. Janh has a good idea about paying herself to drink water. I will pay myself $1/day for drinking water as well. I would like to lose about 8 lbs, so I will also pay myself $5/pound lost. To make it even more motivating, I will charge myself $10/pound gained back, and $1 if I don't drink all of my water for the day. Big Grin

  7. koppur Says:

    Hey girl...i love it! i'm already doing a payment to myself for when i take the stairs at work instead of the elevator. I think i will start also paying myslef 1.00 for every day i stay on ww and don't cheat. thanks for the inspiration!

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