Home > The problem with bringing my lunch to work...

The problem with bringing my lunch to work...

November 2nd, 2006 at 05:38 pm

... is that I don't leave the office to go get food!

What I mean is that when I bring my lunch to work, I sit at my desk and eat. I don't actually take a lunch hour, which means I'm putting in 9 a day when it's neither needed or required.

It's a little too chilly to go to the park, so I need to brainstorm a bit.

You know, it would be great if someone opened a brown-bag friendly cafe! Go to lunch with your friends and it would be OK to bring your own food...

11 Responses to “The problem with bringing my lunch to work...”

  1. Broken Arrow Says:

    I basically avoid the entire issue by NOT engaging in work lunches. It was difficult at first, but after a while, I got used to it. Perhaps not the healthiest thing in the world to do, but... that's how I roll right now. Stick Out Tongue

  2. tinapbeana Says:

    oh i wish i could... i get hungry every 4 hours or so (today it was 2.5 grrr), so the thoughts of going without till dinner makes my head spin. i used to do the no lunch trick, too, and realized i was still working 9 a day. stupid work ethic (well, except when it comes to this site, apparently!) *g*

  3. elgin526 Says:

    I bring my lunch most days and eat at my desk, but I don't work, I just surf the net or read a book. My phone is turned to voice mail and I ignore all e-mails until I'm "back", and since I'm obviously eating, no one comes by and bother's me (not that we get much foot traffic in my area, anyway).

  4. koppur Says:

    When I eat lunch at my desk I do one of three things:

    If I know in advacne I will be eating at my desk, I take my "lunch break" first thing in the monring and go in an hour later than usualy.

    I leave an hour earlier than usual and take my "lunch break" at the end of the day.

    I eat my lunch at my desk, then go and sit in my car for an hour and read (pefrect for winter months when you can always turn the heat on a bit to warm up), or go read in a coffee shop.

  5. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Ok...a disclaimer, this is the manager coming out in me....I think there are labor laws that mandate lunch breaks. Your employer could get into trouble for not mandating at least 30 minutes for a workday over 6 hours., this is just me....working through ones lunch break on a routine basis is not good. You dont regenerate your batteries and you eventually will burnout!!! Is there a library nearby?? or could you read a book or surf the net??

    I love your idea about a sack lunch friendly place to hang out...perhaps youve stumbled on to a business venture!!!!

  6. Gruntina Says:

    Fortunately my work has break rooms with tables that we can eat at, read newspapers. For awhile I had the habit of eating at my desk but I end up working while I eat. I think it’s healthy to take a break away from work for a short time to get refreshed and energized and knowing to take time for you. It’s easy for me to get stuck on deadlines so I have to make a note to leave ha-ha! Sometimes people come to me with work issues even though they can see clearly that I am eating my lunch.

    If you don't have another place to go in the building and it get's too cold in the car, maybe a assign a spot away from where you sit at for work in your work place just for lunch? I am trying to do that for my drinks so I don’t make a mess at where I sit. I spilled coffee on my keyboard and it was not pretty!

  7. tinapbeana Says:

    "I love your idea about a sack lunch friendly place to hang out...perhaps youve stumbled on to a business venture!!!!"

    wouldn't it be great? kind of a cross between a coffee shop, a diner, and the public library... but the major question is: if you can bring in your own food and the books are free, how would i pay the rent? hey, i could just run it out of my own home!!! or not *grin*

  8. Broken Arrow Says:

    Yes Thrifty, you're right. It's an OSHA regulation, and if I said that I didn't take lunch breaks, they could get in trouble. However, I do take lunch breaks. Just not with any lunch. Big Grin I just sit and read the forums or the blogs here... you know... lunch break. Wink

  9. baselle Says:

    Maybe your cafe could charge a corkage fee? A brown bag-cut-the-tape fee?

    I know that problem, that one of the minor reasons that I budget to go out for lunch. (I just like being away from work!) Yeah, I know, heinous to the frugalite. At least its lunch and not dinner - which is at least 40% more expensive.

    No food court or large building atrium/lobby?

  10. lrjohnson Says:

    A lot of us at work brown bag (or microwave frozen dinners) and take our lunch breaks. California law dictates one after five hours; meal breaks are regulated by the States, not federal law; some States don't have meal break laws. The main reason we take out lunch, though, is because it is good for us. Removing oneself physcially and mentally from a task can give you perspective and greater energy when you go back to it.

    We have Boggle Wednesdays-we find a conference room and play Boggle. Other days we just hang out together....most of us don't have officeds, but we can gather round each others desks. Sometimes I fall in the trap of sitting at my desk and peeking at e-mail, but I try to really break.

  11. LdyFaile Says:

    Thing is when you're salary the labor laws are a little less restrictive. I am scheduled for 8 hours. I eat my lunch at my desk. Actually, I eat all the time. I bring a little something to eat every hour so I'm always snacking never eating a full meal. I like it a lot. If I do want to take a lunch break I just come in an hour early and leave whenever I need to providing it's not terribly busy. I can't stay an hour late unfortunately because I close up the office.

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