Home > Grand Yield Direct #3

Grand Yield Direct #3

October 20th, 2006 at 07:31 pm

Alrighty, my $5 initial deposit from Real Life Checking has appeared in GYD today. It's what, the 20th? My account was approved 10/17 and the $5 left RLC on 10/18, so 2 business day turnaround. Not bad...

2 Responses to “Grand Yield Direct #3”

  1. Lau Says:

    Congrats on your new account!
    I opened an e-Loan account recently, and made another transfer this week. The money was out of my account on the 17th and credited to the e-Loan account that same day... No loss of interest. Cause you know, that whole $0.06 I could have lost made a big difference Wink

  2. tinapbeana Says:

    hey, that 6 cents, at 5%, compounded daily... oh who am i kidding, i don't know what it would be! Big Grin

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