Home > Grand Yield Direct: They Like Me, They Really Like Me

Grand Yield Direct: They Like Me, They Really Like Me

October 16th, 2006 at 08:41 pm

I'm so tickled I could snort!


OK, got that out of my system... Just got the AOK from Grand Yield Direct/Apple Bank: they've decided that I am in fact not a terrorist and therefore am worthy enough to have a no minimum no fee savings account at 5.25% APY. YAY!!!

Now I'm just waiting for my two tiny test deposits to hit my checking account so that I can go ahead and get started on this whole savings game. Translation: I've got a grand earning only 0.5% right now, hurry up!!

2 Responses to “Grand Yield Direct: They Like Me, They Really Like Me”

  1. ren Says:

    Oooh, 5.25% is gonna rock after 0.5%! That's an extra $47.50 a year if you don't add anything (which I know you are), so yay for faster money growth!

  2. JanH Says:

    That was smart to test it out first. Congrats on getting a better return!

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