Home > One Week, One Goal

One Week, One Goal

October 17th, 2006 at 01:50 am

I've decided to hold myself accountable by posting my goals here, online, where no one knows who I am or where I live and no one can contact me. Perfect!

Another board I was on (which was such a let-down, BTW), had a group that focused on one goal a week. Something small, reasonable, and if possible, attainable. Giving how my weeks seem to be flying by at this point, I figured I could definitely give this a try.

That was about 2 and a half weeks ago =/

Now that I have found my blog away from home, I've decided to bring the idea here.

One Week (any 7 day time period will do)
One Goal (may or may not be of a frugal bent).

1 Responses to “One Week, One Goal”

  1. AC Says:

    You know what - after a bout of introspection, I find myself in a situation - called Goal-Less. The next-thread in the thought-process was: Let’s get a goal a week.

    Googled it - and you are the first link. So there.

    So I've decided to hold myself accountable and live-by 1-goal.1-wk.

    I am not into personalFN...but I kinda like the > Online no one knows me + no one can contact me.
    I dont know you - you dont know me. Anonymity brings in a different level of confession/submission/discussion/candidness.

    Just felt like leaving a comment.


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